Red heart: If you as of now have somebody special, this is without a doubt the heart you ought to send. Red communicates something more than fellowship, rather it communicates want.
Yellow heart: It is used to communicate that you give love without conditions, without lies, without feelings of disdain.
Green heart: The green color speaks to development, fruitfulness, that is the reason this emoji can cause envy for a steady love, with expectation and harmony. A couple keeps a quiet relationship in spite of the way that there are individuals who begrudge this relationship.
Blue heart: The saddest of all. In spite of the fact that it is a steady love, the blue heart no longer communicates the energy that should stream into a relationship. A relationship in which the fire has just gone out, in which the couple no longer has exotic nature.
Broken heart: It is used to communicate the torment or enduring that you feel subsequent to having lost your affection through selling out or romantic or wistful dismissal. The messed up heart represents heartbreak.
Skimming hearts : Two separate hearts represent that it is an affection from a far distance.
Joined hearts: They are two hearts that turn together on a similar pivot. In contrast to the two separate hearts, this one reveals to us that affection isn't distant for long.
Developing heart: It is the one that gives the impression of thumping.
Heart with yellow stars : It is an adoration that is equipped for arousing somebody without life. From day break to sunset the expert is inexhaustible.
Heart with bow : It is used to communicate that you are happy to give your life, your heart to be together. You might not have many things to give, yet you are happy to give your heart, a true heart.